Welcome to the Fit Father Project. My name is Dr. Anthony Balduzzi, NMD. I'm the creator of this site, and
over the past 10 years, I've dedicated my life to one thing: helping busy fathers lose weight and build
muscle to stay healthy for their families. Growing up, I never dreamed of becoming a men's health
doctor. I became one out of necessity. This is The Fit Father Project story.
Our Fit Father Team will help you regain
incredible health and energy... at any age.

Over the past 10 years, our Fit Father Team has helped over XX,XXX men in over 100 countries lose weight, build age-defying muscle, and get healthy for their families.
This Fit Father Project website is the culmination of thousands of hours of research and “in the trenches” training to give you the EXACT health advice that works for
busy guys 40+.
We have a ton of incredible resources like
The night my life completely
fell apart...

It was the May 1999 - a burning hot summer evening in Phoenix, Arizona. I woke up to blinding hospital lights in excruciating pain.
The Emergency Room surgeon turned to my mother...
"Linda, your son's arm is very broken. He has a compound fracture of both his ulna and radius. He is going to need to stay overnight for surgery."
I watched Mom's heart skip a beat. I knew she couldn't stay at the hospital with me.
Mom had to go home to take care of my dying father.
I remember lying alone in that hospital bed - 9 years old - feeling completely terrified. The truth is, I wasn't terrified for myself or my upcoming surgery. I was terrified for my family.
Frantic questions raced and stampeded through my mind.
Would Dad live another day until I got home from the hospital? Would our family survive if Dad passed? How could I possibly tell Dad how much I loved him and admired his strength as he fought for his life and our family? How was I going to say goodbye?
The next morning, Mom pulled up to the hospital in her white SUV to take me home. The moment I saw the tears welling up in her eyes, I knew something was very, very wrong…

he was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer.
I watched my Dad's health deteriorate over the next 7 years. He still is my superhero.
My lungs instantly collapsed inside my chest.
In a single moment, my superhero, my rock, my dad-all that was taken from my family. Even though Dad had battled cancer for as long as I could remember, I somehow always thought he'd live forever.
Growing up, I watched Dad work long, exhausting hours and neglect his health to put food on the table for me, my mom, and little brother. Dad skipped exercise, ate unhealthy, gained weight, and dealt with so much stress. His health slowly began to slip away.
I know Dad was just doing what he thought was best for our family. Yet, I wish I had a time-machine to go back and teach him what I now know about diet, exercise, and healthy living.
If I could go back in time, I'd show my Dad that it's 100% possible to have it all – a productive career, a healthy energized body, a loving family – all through applying some simple, powerful health habits. I'd show Dad that he didn't have to neglect his health to provide for us.
- Why did God let this happen to my Dad?
- Was I going to get sick like Dad did?
- How was I going to take care of my mom and little brother?
Those questions weighed on my heart for 4 months, until I hit rock bottom at my 10th birthday party…
At my 10th birthday party, I made a
promise that changed my life forever...

Fast forward 6 weeks to July 4th - my 10th birthday party.
I remember staring at the ten shining candles on my birthday cake feeling completely exhausted. I was exhausted from crying.
I was exhausted from the pain. Exhausted from feeling like a victim of my circumstances. Exhausted from my deep anger toward God.
As it was time to make my wish and blow out my birthday candles, something that I can now describe as a "miracle" happened.
I suddenly felt a cool wave of calm determination roll gently through my body. For the first time in months, I felt true peace. I felt deep inner strength from a source far more powerful than myself.
And I felt a deep knowing that there was a PURPOSE behind everything that happened to my Dad and family - a reason that was far bigger than me, bigger than my sadness, and even bigger than my Dad's own death.
Instead of making a birthday wish, I made a sacred promise instead.
As I blew out my candles,
I made 2 sacred
to Dad, God, & myself...
I would learn how to stay strong & healthy to take care of my mom and little brother – no matter what challenges life would throw at me in the future.
That I would figure out how to keep other Dads healthy – so other little boys and girls don't have to grow up without their Dads. Not on my watch.
the first day of my new life began.
The night "The Fit Father Mission" was born...
Over the next year, health and fitness saved my life. I began studying everything I could get my hands on about exercise, nutrition, motivation, supplementation, and mindset. I even began my own regimented eating and exercise routine to strengthen my mind & body.
I took my first progress picture 12 months after Dad's death.
You can see it here on the right. My younger brother and I look damn happy about the growth of my little “pea shooters” (as my mom used to call them). It's true. We were genuinely happy in that moment – especially considering the circumstances.

I was happy because I had fallen in love with a mission to building a healthier life – for myself, my family, and every father I would eventually meet down the road. The seeds that would eventually blossom into The Fit Father Project as you see it today were starting to grow.
From a young age, I learned one of life's most valuable lessons that's just as relevant to a 10-year-old boy saving his life as it is to a 40-year-old father taking back his health:
Getting healthier is about so much more than
diets & workouts. We need to discover our deep
motivation for you to get and stay healthy.
Here's the fact: when you get clear on your DEEP REASONS for getting and staying healthy, sticking to a diet or workout routine stops feeling like a constant struggle. Health becomes automatic. Healthy living becomes a part of your core identity.
When you are aligned with a DEEP MOTIVATION for healthy living, results become more automatic.
For me, my “HEALTH WHY POWER” is to stay strong to take care of my mom, little brother, and the thousands of men I coach and serve here at the Fit Father Project. It's the fire that propels me forward every day.
And although we are just getting to know each other as you explore this Fit Father Project website, I need you to know that I see it as my deep responsibility to accomplish two things: 1) Help you discover your own HEALTH WHY POWER… 2) Empower you with the proven tools and strategies (like diet plans, workouts, and accountability coaching) to kickstart your permanent health transformation.
Why you really need to start living healthier…?
The answer to this question is your deep mission here on earth. What are you called to do with your life? What is your great work during short lifetime? Whether it's your work, family, or deep passion. And why is your health absolutely ESSENTIAL to complete that mission?QUESTION #2:
Who do you really need to stay healthy for in life…?
Because you're reading this, I know there are special people in your life who need you here and healthy. Who are those special people you need to stay healthy for? What will happen to them if you let your health slip? What will happen when you commit to a new way of healthy living?When you get clear on your deep reasons for being healthy, sticking to a diet and workout routine stops feeling like an uphill battle.
When you find YOUR “HEALTH WHY POWER,”you will finally be able to make the lasting progress you truly desire.
My “HEALTH WHY POWER” is to stay strong to take care of my mom, little brother, and the thousands of men I coach and serve here at the Fit Father Project. It's the fire that propels me forward every day.
I see it as a big part of my job here at the Fit Father Project to help you discover your WHY POWER too… and then empower you with the proven tools (meal plans, workouts, and accountability coaching) to kickstart your permanent health transformation.
I've also learned that making health a priority
will bless our lives in immeasurable ways...
Because I CHOSE to prioritize my health, I look fit every day. More importantly though: I feel fantastic and I have the energy and passion to take care of my family and coach thousands of men like you through their own health journeys.
Prioritizing my health has also allowed me to stay focused enough to study at the nation's top Ivy League schools, compete on the world's most competitive bodybuilding stages, graduate medical school with highest honors, and to share the gift of health on some of the world's largest TV shows…

Yet all that “flashy stuff” aside, I'm most proud of the fact that I've been able to help over 10,000 fathers lose over 75,000lbs of fat and get permanently healthy for their families through this Fit Father Project website.
The fact that you're reading this right now is really what matters to me most. Out of the millions of sites on the internet, you found this page. I find that absolutely special. And I don't think our paths crossed by accident today.
I am truly excited and grateful to connect with you through the incredible content on this website… to share stories about our families, missions, and values… AND, if you're seeking assistance… to help you radically improve your health with our powerful paid programs.
On that note…
Let's talk about you, your family, and your
deep motivations for living healthier...
- Whether you're 40+lbs overweight, feeling like crap, & ready to finally get the weight off...
- Whether you've been battling high blood pressure, chronic stress, or pre-diabetes...
- Whether you're feeling exhausted, achy, and "just old" doing everyday activities...
- OR whether you're already in pretty good shape and simply want FASTER results...
I need you to know that there are proven principles for eating, exercise, and motivation that work specifically for busy fathers – o matter how many fad diets or unsustainable workouts have failed you in the past.
Over the past 10 years of coaching men through health transformations, I've had the privilege of observing some key patterns of that predict health success:

The most healthy & successful men – living lean and strong well into their 40s, 50s, 60s,& beyond – are following simple & sustainable nutrition and exercise programs designed to respect their aging body & schedule as a busy man.
The most healthy & successful men – who actually stay consistent LONG TERM – are also a part of a COMMUNITY of like-minded guys who are supporting each other to live the best life possible and reinvent at any age.
Here at The Fit Father Project, we specialize in
building simple & sustainable health programs
for busy men.
And we've built a community of over 35,000 like-minded fathers who are committed to living longer, healthier, and stronger for life.
If you are ready to dramatically improve the way you look and feel, my team of health experts and I will provide you with the PROVEN TOOLS (meal plans, workouts, and accountability) – specifically designed for your body and life as a busy guy over 40. Then, we'll support you with our community of like-minded men who are transforming their lives and health for the better.
Our Fit Father Project team absolutely LOVES what we do. I know you will see that passion reflected in the quality of our articles, videos, free resources, and paid programs.

What's most important to
you right now?
one main goal below.
Unlike many companies pushing fad diets and gimmicky products, we actually like to build a trusting relationship with you by giving you some of our best stuff 100% FREE – to get you results before you ever buy anything from us. Our hope is that you'll be so blown away by our free content that you'll join our incredible paid program like Fit Father 30X after you see how well things work for you.

Yours free
Yours free

You're about to discover exactly what to eat for breakfast,
lunch, & dinner to lose weight easily - without hard crappy
dieting. Get your free copy of the meal plan to see how.

Yours free
Yours free

It's 100% possible to boost your metabolism to burn fat like you did in your 20s. If you have a busy schedule and very little time to exercise, get free workout today. All you need it a pair of dumbbells and 5 feet of floor space.
Most Pupular

Our Fit Father Foundations program has helped over fathers lose fat, build muscle, and get healthy for their families. Click the button below to read the Foundations program overview letter.
YES! LEARN ABOUT FOUNDATIONSTo get started, pick one of
these free
resources and
start applying it.
You may be thinking, “Dr. Anthony, I want to lose fat AND increase energy AND rebuild muscle – all at the same time. It's hard to pick just one goal.” If you want ALL those things, I totally get it. The good news is that whichever first resource you pick, my team and I will send you everything else afterward in follow-up email training.
If you need the most help with a HEALTHY DIET,
grab our "Free 1-Day Weight Loss Meal Plan" here. -
If you need the most help with a FAST EFFECTIVE WORKOUT,
grab our "Free 24-Min Fat Burning Workout" here. -
If you need the most help with BUILDING MUSCLE AFTER 40,
grab our "Free 5-Best Muscle Builders" video here.
To get started, I want you to simply pick your #1 focus area – whether that's the free diet plan, free workout, or the Foundations program.
Get started with one of the resources above. And remember that my team and I will send you all the rest of the free training on the best diets, workouts, and motivation tips via private email coaching straight to your inbox over the coming weeks and months ahead.

I'm so happy you found the
Fit Father Project! If you could
use some help getting healthier,
send our team a message now.