The 10 Best Workout Supplements for Men

Stuart Carter, Dip. PT, Precision Nutrition 1
C.O.O., The Fit Father Project

Stuart Carter, Dip. PT, Precision Nutrition 1
C.O.O., The Fit Father Project

best workout supplements

The best workout supplements for men give your body the energy and nutrition it needs to operate at peak performance.

There is an enormous amount of convenience in being able to take a pill or powder and improve your health!

Just make sure any supplement you take clearly lists its ingredients and the quantities of each ingredient.

Knowing exactly what is going into your body is an essential part of losing weight or gaining muscle.

But remember, taking a supplement doesn't mean you should avoid proper diet and nutrition. They are called supplements for a reason!

Supplements can also boost your energy levels and metabolism. This will help you to perform at your best for longer.

The result will be a workout that burns more calories and builds more muscles.

And there are post-workout supplements that will help you prevent or reduce inflammation and Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS).

So what are the best workout supplements for men? Keep reading to find out!

Looking to build muscle? Check out the 7 best supplements for muscle growth to get you started!

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The 10 Best Workout Supplements for Men

There are many different types of great supplements available. Since everyone's needs are different, this list is just a good starting point to find the best workout supplements for you.  

1. Creatine Monohydrate

There are plenty of studies that demonstrate the power of creatine for building muscle.

Creatine is one of the best workout supplements, as it will help you to build muscle … but that's not all it does.

ATP is a substance that occurs naturally in your body and is essential for powering muscle contractions associated with high-intensity exercises.

Your body naturally produces creatine, which increases phosphocreatine levels in your body and allows the production of more ATP.

However, naturally produced creatine is quickly used up by your body, reducing your performance and the effects of your training; supplementing with creatine will maintain ATP production and allow you to work out harder and for longer.

It really will help you to gain muscle and strength.

For the best creatine, in terms of both purity and efficacy, use German-made creatine monohydrate.

The most common way to take creatine is in powder form, mixed with water. The taste can be pretty bad, so most people mix it with their protein shake or drink it all in one big gulp.

It is advisable to load up with creatine. In practice, this means supplementing with 20 grams per day, split into four doses, for five days. You can then reduce to between 3-5 grams per day for maintenance.

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2. Whey Protein

You've already heard of this one and may even have tried it.

Whey protein is actually just one of the forms of protein powders available. It's also the most quickly absorbed.

Protein is essential for the proper functioning of all the cells in your body.

You will get some protein from your diet, but this may not be enough if you are exercising and trying to build lean muscle.

Whey protein is easily absorbed into the body and contains all nine of the essential amino acids that your body is unable to produce itself.

That’s good in itself, but protein is also an essential part of muscle growth. It is the base compound for protein synthesis, which is how your body repairs microfibers in your muscles.

These fibers are torn when you exercise hard; the repair process makes them stronger.

This is another supplement that comes in powder form and mixes with water or milk. The amount of powder and water will be indicated on the packaging.

You can take protein before or after a workout, and it will help improve your strength. 

Meet SuperFuel. The Delicious Protein Shake Packed With 40+ Energy-Boosting Vitamins & Superfoods (Designed For Busy Men)

As a busy guy, it’s challenging to stay consistent with healthy eating. That’s why we created SuperFuel… the delicious “all-in-one” nutrition shake for busy guys 40+ to give your body the protein + key nutrients you need for more energy, fat burning, and muscle building.

3. Casein Protein

There are many types of protein powders, but they all work in the same way.

Whey is considered the best for pre- or post-workout, while other options simply cater to vegetarians, vegans, or those with lactose intolerance.

But, casein protein offers the same benefit as whey except that it is much slower releasing.

This makes it the perfect choice before you go to bed as it will ensure your muscles have all the protein they need while you sleep.

Fact: Your body does most of its repairing and growing while you sleep.

Meet SuperFuel Vegan. The Super Delicious 100% Plant-Based Protein Shake Packed With 40+ Energy Boosting Vitamins & Superfoods

Meet SuperFuel Vegan.
The Super Delicious 100% Plant-Based Protein Shake Packed With 40+ Energy Boosting Vitamins & Superfoods

As a busy guy, it’s challenging to stay consistent with healthy eating… especially if you’re following a more plant-based diet. That’s why we built SuperFuel Vegan… the delicious “all-in-one” nutrition shake to give you the premium 100% plant-based protein + key nutrients you need for more energy, fat burning, & muscle building.
As a busy guy, it’s challenging to stay consistent with healthy eating… especially if you’re following a more plant-based diet. That’s why we built SuperFuel Vegan… the delicious “all-in-one” nutrition shake to give you the premium 100% plant-based protein + key nutrients you need for more energy, fat burning, & muscle building.

Click here to learn more about SuperFuel Vegan the delicious 100% Plant-Based Protein with 40+ powerful superfoods »

4. Glutamine

Did you know that you can burn muscle cells when you exercise?

This happens when your body can’t access glycogen stores fast enough.

It’s common when you’re working out hard or for an extended period of time.

Glutamine can stop this from happening.

It actually promotes the production of growth hormone and a positive nitrogen balance.

In addition, it improves your body’s ability to use the protein it has available.

Both of these things will reduce or prevent your body from using muscle cells for energy.

Your muscle-building efforts won’t be in vain. In fact, the production of growth hormone will help your muscles to grow and even speed up recovery time.


Research shows that DHEA supplements can enhance the effects of weight training on muscle mass, especially in older men.

Interestingly enough, scientists don’t know exactly how it works, just that it does.

DHEA is a precursor to naturally occurring steroids in your body.

This means that enzymes in your body can convert DHEA into estrogen and testosterone.

More importantly, the testosterone produced is free testosterone, meaning it can be used by your body immediately.

As testosterone is an important part of protein synthesis and tissue growth, it has a direct relationship with building muscle.

An increase in testosterone by taking a DHEA supplement is likely to prove beneficial.

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Branch Chain Amino Acids are three of the nine essential amino acids that your body needs but can’t produce itself.

They are instrumental in the process of protein synthesis — when your muscles repair and grow after a workout.

In addition, BCAAs can boost your performance abilities and even help you to burn more fat.

That’s a pretty good reason to take them and why they are some of the best workout supplements for men!

BCAAs are usually supplemented in powder form. Add them to water to create a shake similar to whey protein.

You may find it particularly beneficial if you take 5-10 grams in water while exercising.

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7. Multivitamins

You need an array of vitamins to remain healthy.

In a perfect world, you’ll get all of these vitamins from the food you eat.

However, this is not always possible, which is why you’ll find a multivitamin beneficial.

Although it won’t directly boost your workout capabilities, having the right balance of vitamins daily will help to ensure your body is working at peak capacity.

This will help you to reach your full potential when you workout and get the right results.  

Learn what vitamins are, what each does for your body, and what foods you can get these vitamins from.

8. Magnesium

Magnesium is one of the many minerals your body needs to function correctly.

It is involved in many metabolic processes in your body, particularly in helping your muscles relax.

This is beneficial after a workout as muscles that can’t relax will start to cramp, which is painful and dangerous.

Magnesium may not directly affect your ability to work out, but by keeping your muscles relaxed, it will help them to grow and be ready for the next workout.

That’s as important as extra energy or strength!

Does magnesium help you lose weight? Learn about the real magnesium benefits as we separate the facts from the myths.

9. Calcium

You know calcium is essential for healthy bones.

It is also a critical element of healthy and strong muscles.

Calcium deficiency allows the increased production of parathyroid hormones that break down bones.

When you exercise your calcium levels drop, even if you take a calcium supplement before your workout.

To maintain your bone and muscle strength, you’ll need to take a daily calcium supplement.

Again, this isn't going to directly boost your workout capabilities. But, it will help you to stay healthy and strong.

How much Vitamin D3 is too much? Find out in this video!

10. Caffeine

Caffeine is a stimulant, but because it is in your coffee, it is not always thought of as a supplement.

In fact, it is present in many testosterone and energy-boosting supplements and can be taken as a supplement by itself.

Because it’s a stimulant, you can take caffeine before you work out.

Caffeine is absorbed within 15-45 minutes of being consumed and will boost your energy levels for 30 to 75 minutes.

Caffeine allows your body to use fat cells as an energy source instead of glycogen in your blood.

It will boost your energy levels and help you to burn excess fat.

You can take a caffeine supplement, or you can simply drink black coffee or tea, the choice is yours.

Just remember to lay off in the evening so you'll be able to get to sleep!

Learn more about the best and worst energy-boosting supplements.

Supplementary Thoughts

Supplements should not be considered as an alternative to eating regular meals.

A supplement is an addition to your normal balanced diet; it says so in its name!

They are an effective and viable way of ensuring your body has all the nutrients it needs.

They are also beneficial when working out to help you meet your full potential.

But, you should proceed with caution, always follow the instructions on the packaging, and build your tolerance.

This will also allow you to assess if there are any unwanted side effects.

Use this free meal plan to get the right idea about nutrition, and this free workout is a great way to start building strength.

The best supplements for men can help you achieve your goals, so get started on your road to health and fitness today!

Stuart Carter, Dip. PT, Precision Nutrition 1
C.O.O., The Fit Father Project

Stuart gained his Diploma in Personal Training & Sports Medicine through Premier Global, back in 2001. In 2018, he completed his Level 1 Precision Nutrition qualification.

Throughout his career in Fitness, Stuart has trained hundreds of clients, worked in almost every position in the industry, and ran his own successful training studio.

After a hiatus away from the Fitness industry, working in Corporate Management and Finance, Stuart returned to what he loves… Fitness! This return led to a chance meeting with Dr. Balduzzi, and a place in the Fit Father Project team.

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The FOUNDATIONS Program is created by Dr. Anthony Balduzzi for Men 40+ who want Lifelong Health.

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*Please know that weight loss results & health changes/improvements vary from individual to individual; you may not achieve similar results. Always consult with your doctor before making health decisions. This is not medical advice – simply very well-researched info on the best workout supplements for men.

Stuart Carter, Dip. PT, Precision Nutrition 1
C.O.O., The Fit Father Project

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Our Fit Father Project Team’s deepest commitment is to helping you live healthier for both yourself and your family. And when it comes to online content, integrity and trust is everything. That’s why our Fit Father Project staff-writers are all trained professionals in the field of health and wellness (registered dieticians, licensed personal trainers, and licensed physicians) – see the full team here. We rigorously run all of our articles through a rigorous editorial process to ensure the accuracy, simplicity, and utility of the information. And we aren’t just a team of “academics” sitting in an ivory tower. We are real people – with jobs, responsibilities, and families – working hard in the trenches and testing our tips & methods out to make sure you can stay healthy for family.

Here is what you can expect from us on our Fit Father Blog and YouTube channel:

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  2. In nearly all of our articles, we link to published research studies from the most respected peer-reviewed medical & health journals.
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Thanks for checking out the blog. We can’t wait to support you toward greater health, energy, and vitality. – The Fit Father Project Team


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