Congratulations on claiming your Fit Father Thunder Sale Annual Upgrade.
You now have 12-months “Fit Father For Life” access to every Fit Father Project program we offer throughout 2019 – plus every new program we'll be releasing next year too (we have big plans and a lot of amazing stuff coming your way!)
I feel blessed to have you inside the Fit Father Project family, and I'm BEYOND excited to continue helping you make some amazing changes with your health & vitality over the next year and beyond.
Please check your email inbox for a message from our FFP Team about your new Fit Father Premium Dry-Fit Workout Shirt. We need some info about your preferred size and color.
Congratulations again on committing to yourself for the rest of this year and next year. It's time to make some serious progress.
I'll see you inside the member's area and can't wait to get you your shirt + programs,

Founder, The Fit Father Project
Brotherhood Nickname: “Mr. Results”
Bragging Rights: Has helped over 10,000 fathers lose over 75,000lbs and rebuild lean muscle