These 12 Fit Fathers Are Living Proof You Can
Completely Transform Your Health & Body… after age 40.
Message from Dr. Anthony Balduzzi:
I want to share the stories 12 men who used to be in terrible shape. These are regular guys in their 40s, 50s, 60s, and even 70s who struggled with their health for years before finding the Fit Father Project. Listen to these men tell their stories… let them tell you about their challenges and how they overcame them. I hope you see yourself in these men, and I hope you see it’s 100% possible for you to transform too using my proven Fit Father FOUNDATIONS Program.

Fit Father Transformation?
Meet Fit Father
Weslaco, TX

- Age:42
- Family:Married 20 years; Father to 3 beautiful kids
- Job:Store Director for H-E-B Grocery Company
- Starting goal:Lose 30lbs and follow a structured program to feel better
- Results to date:Jesse is down 80lbs. He’s the fittest he’s ever been – physically and mentally. He also now has perfect cholesterol & blood pressure.

Listen to Jesse’s story for major
inspiration and exact steps
of how he transformed:
- You can ENJOY GREAT FOOD and still live healthy. Jesse loves to cook, smoke, and grill. Now, with his newfound knowledge of nutrition, he’s able to prepare delicious healthy foods for his big family at cookouts and weekend gatherings. You can INTEGRATE FOOD, FAMILY, & FUN into your health journey.
- DRAW INSPIRATION from the men who came before you. When Jesse joined the program, he drew inspiration from the other successful Fit Fathers in the program. He modeled their habits. He took their advice seriously, and now Jesse is in their shoes… massively successful and inspiring thousands of men.
- The best workouts for men 40+ are METABOLIC RESISTANCE TRAINING (MRT) workouts that we teach you inside the FF30X Program. These workouts combine strength, cardio, and flexibility all into one workout you can do in under 45minutes. Jesse does these workouts in his garage with a pair of dumbbells. Years later on the program, he’s still doing them and getting stronger & better.
Meet Fit Father
Marquette, Michigan

- Age:59
- Family:Married for 35 years; Father to adult daughter
- Job:Automotive Technical (39 years)
- Starting goal:Overcome back pain, lose weight, and find purpose after being laid off during 2020 COVID.
- Results to date:Mark lost 40lbs. He’s now completely free of back pain he had for 20 years and he feels completely aligned with new purpose.

inspiration and exact steps of
how he transformed:
- TAKE THE FIRST STEP. By taking the first step, you activate powerful forces of FAITH and ACTION (…and in Mark’s case God’s blessing) that will help you improve and move forward.
- Even if you have CHRONIC ISSUES like BACK PAIN that Mark suffered with for 20 years, you can still make massive improvements! In fact, by strengthening his core and losing weight using the FF30X Program, Mark no longer experiences back pain. Zero, gone! And he has 6-pack abs at basically 60 years old.
- LEAN INTO FELLOWSHIP in this FFP Community & Brotherhood. When Mark joined the Program, he got into our private Facebook Page for members and began to read stories, gather tips, and connect with likeminded guys. The inspiration Mark drew from these men helped him succeed massively.
- 60 CAN BE THE NEW 40. Mark is now in better shape at basically 60 years old than he was 20 years ago. With the proven methods, you can get better with age!
Meet Fit Father
Keene, New Hampshire

- Age:54
- Family:Divorced; Father of 3 adult girls
- Job:Plant Manager
- Starting goal:Starting weight was 390lbs. Steve wanted to save his life.
- Results to date:Steve recently weighed in at 198lbs. He’s lost nearly 200lbs, has perfect cardiovascular health, and now runs half marathons with his daughter.

inspiration and exact steps of
how he lost 200lbs:
- If you’re a really heavy guy, start with GOOD NUTRITION and DAILY WALKING. You don’t need intense workouts off the bat to lose weight. As you start to feel better and more energetic from the good nutrition, you can begin to do formal workouts to speed up the process.
- You can ASTONISH YOURSELF at what you can accomplish within 1 year. Start with small goals like completing the FF30X Phase #1 Program, and as you
Meet Fit Father
Centreville, VA

- Age:42
- Family:Married to wife Jessica; 9yr old daughter
Job:Associate Marketing Director
(non-profit) - Starting goal:Get out of 300lb range into 200lb range to get healthy to take care of his wife & daughter
- Results to date:Tony has dropped over 60lbs in 6 months. He’s on his way to 100lbs down.

inspiration and exact steps of
how he transformed:
- Don’t be limited by a small mindset. Telling yourself “I can’t lose the weight… or I’m not the type of guy who is fit” is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Just start taking ACTION and you will see RESULTS that will slowly and surely shift your MINDSET.
- Follow a STRUCTURED Meal #1 (Breakfast) and Meal #2 (Lunch) that’s using the Fit Father Meal Plan. Then you can have dinner with the family and whatever they are cooking. As long as you nail the beginning part of the day, you will continue generating MOMENTUM.
- You can LIFT WEIGHT and lose weight. You DO NOT need to do hours of cardio. Tony is the type of guy who loves lifting and he used the FFP “Metabolic Resistance Training” style workouts 2-3x per week to build muscle and lose fat simultaneously.
- RUN YOUR OWN RACE. This is YOU vs YOU. This is about becoming the best version of yourself.
- Understand that your RATE OF WEIGHT LOSS changes over time and that’s OK! At first, you lose fast for the first few months, which can be up to 30+lbs. Overtime, weight loss rates become more gradual and that’s perfect.
- A HEALTHY BODY leads to a HEALTHY, POSITIVE MINDSET. Both are completely connected. This path of getting healthier will lead you to more fulfillment at home and work.
Meet Fit Father
Alma, Michigan

- Age:50
- Family:Married for 25 years; 4 great kids + 3 grandkids
- Job:Lutheran Pastor
- Starting goal:Get heathy after scary news at doctor’s office showing early signs of heart failure.
- Results to date:Dropped 90lbs; now has great cardiovascular health & fitness

Listen to Thomas' story for major inspiration and exact steps of how he transformed:
- DON’T WAIT FOR A WAKE-UP CALL or emergency health situation. Thomas is lucky he didn’t die from heart failure in the ER. That motivated him to make his fitness a priority… but it doesn’t have to come down to such a “close call” to refocus on yourself and your health.
- NUTRITION is 80% of the battle. If you are concerned about your heart health or are in pretty bad shape right now, simply eating healthier on a SUSTAINABLE meal plan will help you improve without overly exerting yourself.
- How we TREAT OUR BODIES reflects on us as LEADERS. For Thomas, getting his weight down 90lbs has led to him feeling so much more aligned spiritually, mentally, and physically. He now shows up LOOKING & FEELING like his BEST SELF.
- Pay attention to NON-SCALE VICTORIES (NSVs) along the way of your journey. These come in so many forms: affirming comments from friends/family, new ability to do things without being winded, new levels of energy, clothes fitting better, and feeling of inner peace and satisfaction that you’re walking a healthier path.
Meet Fit Father
Waco, TX

- Age:51
- Family:Divorced with 2 great kids
- Job:Senior Director of Operations
- Starting goal:Quit booze; lose his gut & build muscle
- Results to date:Dropped 35lbs. Now completely OFF all blood pressure medicine & off his CPAP machine.

Listen to Russell's story for major inspiration and exact steps of how he transformed:
- If you travel a lot for work with Russell, you need to have a STRATEGY for making healthy eating work on the go. Russell bought a blender that he brings to hotel rooms so he can make his consistent healthy FFP Morning Shakes to give him good nutrition. He also buys healthy snacks (protein bars, jerkies, fruit, nuts, etc.) ahead of time, so he always has a stockpile of good nutrition.
- You can get VERY STRONG (300+lb bench press in Russell’s case) in your 50s as long as you TRAIN SMART and follow a proven exercise program for guys in their 40s, 50s, & 60s. This often means form tweaks to key muscle building movements for optimizing joint health and getting plenty of rest & recovery.
- Getting healthy & strong at 51 has inspired Russell’s son and daughter to take their fitness more seriously. This Fit Father program is about becoming a better version of YOU and inspiring your closest family and friends along the way.
Meet Fit Father
Switzerland, Europe

- Age:52
- Family:Married with wife; 1 son who is 6yo
(branding agency in Switzerland) - Starting goal:Make health a priority in his life. Get healthy for his son Sean.
- Results to date:Dropped over 80lbs; from 40% bodyfat to 16%. Completely new outlook on his health & life.

Listen to Werner's story for major inspiration and exact steps of how he transformed:
- It’s really easy to become successful in one area of life (career in Werner’s case) while completely neglecting your health. That eventually catches up to you mid-life and can be a major wake up call.
- WALK MORE! If you have some back pain/issues like Werner, walk as much as you can. Werner was able to lose over 80lbs – going months without doing any exercise besides walking paired with good nutrition.
- Be AWARE of your common traps & pitfalls. For Werner, he had a bad habit of snacking on sweets, so he used the FFP Program to design a nutrition system to feel full, energized, and satisfied and break the habit of eating sweets midday & in the evening when stressed.
- Measure your progress with DEXA body fat scans and pictures, because it’s so motivating to see your journey and have MANY different metrics of success.
Meet Fit Father
Pittsburgh, PA

- Age:52
- Family:Married for 18 years; has 4 kids aged 16 to 6yo
Job:COO of My Gym
(children’s fitness center) - Starting goal:Break the cycle of yo-yo diets, get happy again, and start workouts geared for guys 50+
- Results to date:Down 50lbs; built new muscle, stronger KNEE/ACL, more energy, now has perfect blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol.

inspiration and exact steps of
how he transformed:
- Mike started out feeling SO UNHAPPY with where he was in life. Although he has a great family and career, his health & energy was terrible. Mike used his unhappiness as MOTIVATION to join the FFP and start something structured that he could follow to align himself completely – body, mind, & spirit.
- Get your spouse/partner on board with your new, healthy lifestyle. It makes it so much easier to cook healthy meals together.
- As Mike got healthier, he became a ROLE MODEL for his kids who now model his healthy behaviors and are seeing improvements in their athletic performance and happiness too.
- Lean into the support & friendship of the fellow FFP Brothers doing this program alongside you. It’s incredibly motivating to be in a like-minded group of guys 40+.
Meet Fit Father
Vandalia, OH

- Age:37
- Family:Married; Father of 4 kids + 4 cats
- Job:Supply Chain Supervisor
- Starting goal:Lose 30lbs, start eating healthier, & reverse health issues.
- Results to date:100lbs down in 9 months & off all prescription medications.

inspiration for “big guys” of
how he lost 100+lbs:
- For big guys with 100+lbs to lose, it all starts with MINDSET. You must ask yourself, “How did I get this overweight? What habits, thoughts, and behaviors have I allowed to continue in my life that brought me here?”
- Then you must get CLEAR ON YOUR WHY POWER and your deep motivations for why you want to make this change.
- It takes TIME & PRACTICE to break sugar addiction and food cravings. The #1 key is to start the Fit Father Meal Plan that’s consistent, STRUCTUED, simple, and filling. After a few weeks of following the eating plan, the cravings naturally begin to diminish and new healthier habits are taking their place.
- Exercise is HARD AT FIRST when you’re really big. It’s OK to start with simple stuff like 20-min of manageable exercise. The key is that you continue to BUILD and GET A LITTLE BETTER every day.
Meet Fit Father
Johnsburg, IL

- Age:43
Family:Married; Father of 1 daughter +
2 dogs - Job:Owner of Medical Supply Company
- Starting goal:Break his bad habits of poor eating & binge drinking.
- Results to date:40lbs down; got 6-pack abs, new mindset, & feels fantastic

some “real talk” & tough love
of how he transformed:
- The first step to change is GETTING OUT OF DENIAL about where you’re currently at with your health to BECOME HONEST WITH YOURSELF by looking at how your current bad habits and behaviors are negatively affecting all important areas of your life… your body, mind, spirit, and your family.
- Nutrition is the key to success! To be consistent, Nick starts each day with the SAME BREAKFAST and LUNCH each day. Nick uses. The delicious FFP Morning Shake recipe for breakfast with our SUPER FUEL protein, then Nick has a low-carb protein wrap or healthy sandwich recipe for lunch and a “perfect plate” for dinner as outlined in the Fit Father Meal Plan.
- By doing the FF30X workouts, Nick became mentally tougher and now feels more equipped to tackle challenges and be more productive in all key areas of his life. He also built a ton of new muscle while losing fat because of the science-based aspects of the FF30X workout.
Meet Fit Father
Ontario, Canada

- Age:42
- Family:Married; Father to 3 great kids
- Job:Canadian Military (23 years)
- Starting goal:Go from “fairly decent shape” to GREAT SHAPE in his 40s.
- Results to date:Dropped 20lbs of fat; got 6-pack abs; now in the “best shape of his life”

the impact his new health has
on his family:
- Before the FFP, “getting older” was NOT FUN for Andre. Now that he’s used this program to create life-changing new level of health and fitness, he looks FORWARD to a bright future of possibilities. Yes, our bodies age… but with proper inputs we can actually continue to IMPROVE with age.
- Even if you’re in “decent shape,” there is SO MUCH MORE ENERGY you can experience by taking your consistency with nutrition and exercise to the next level.
- A 20-25minute morning routine of body flow stretches, foam rolling, prayer, meditation, and black coffee is key for setting Andre up for success.
- DAILY MOVEMENT IS KEY to sustainable fitness. Andre aims for 10,000+ steps each day and gets around 4 formal workouts in each week (a mix of weights, HIIT cardio, and outdoor sports/fun).
Meet Fit Father
Northampton, UK

- Age:47
Family:Father to 13yo daughter;
Recently engaged to new fiancé - Job:Clinical Psychologist (23 years)
- Starting goal:Course correct his life out of self-destructive behaviors.
- Results to date:Down over 45lbs; completely new mindset & positive outlook on life.

clinical psychologist
perspective on why FFP works:
- The process of getting healthy must be viewed from a SYSTEMS perspective. Everything is connected to your health. And as you change your habits and behaviors, all your key relationships and habits must recalibrate too.
- It’s just as important to focus on your INNER EXPERIENCE (your feelings and relationship to this new path) as it is to perform EXTERNAL ACTIONS (like eating healthier and exercising). The most successful guys using this program make this an INTEGRATED TRANSFORMATION.
- When starting out, approach the Fit Father Program as IMMERSIVE LEARNING. Really take your time to read through the meal plan and review the materials. Once you gain the key knowledge, you have POWER that you can apply into your life.
- The FFP Brotherhood & Support team is essential to success. We don’t have to do this alone.
Ready to Start Your Transformation?
Program Today.

Join XX,000 men getting healthy for themselves & their families.
Join the proven health program for men 40+

Backed by our 30-Day 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.
Love the program & results or pay nothing.

I'm the Doctor and the Father that Founded Fit Father Project.
Here's why I did it...
When I was 10 years old, my dad passed at the age of 42. I don't want any child to experience that pain . . . and I want every father to live a healthy life of energy and vitality well past 100. That's my wish for you and the entire Fit Father Project community.
I’m so glad you found our website, check out our free articles in our program below.
We’re a family-run
business, so
we treat you like family too.
As you explore this Fit Father Project website, you’ll notice that we have programs for sale like Fit Father FOUNDATIONS. Make no mistake, we fully believe our programs can change your life and we do want you to join us… but the deeper truth is that this website is NOT about “selling programs” or “just making money.” This is all about our Fit Father Mission.
Our Fit Father Team has been working tirelessly for the last 10 years to fulfill on our mission of helping busy dads 40+ live longer, stronger, and healthier.
We want more dads to get healthy and be around for their families. We are here to create more Fit Fathers worldwide. Our mission is rooted in our team’s core values of Truth, Health, Fellowship, & Service to one another.

Want to connect with us? Click here to send us a message.
Programs & Supplements

FF30X is the world's #1 leading health and weight loss program for guys 40+. FF30X includes meal plans, workouts, accountability coaching, and mindset & motivation training. This is our most popular program that's responsible for tens of thousands of men losing hundreds of thousands of pounds.

FOUNDATIONS is the sustainable weight loss program for busy guys 40+
- Lose weight and actually keep it off
- 10X your energy and stamina...
- Get off prescription medications...
- Build age-defying muscle & strength...
- Get more motivated & disciplined...
- Connect with like-minded Fit Fathers.
The Delicious Nutrition
Shake for Guys 40+
- Supports weight loss
- Improves Energy
- Helps build muscle
- Perfect meal replacement
Each scoop of SuperFuel gives you:
- 20g protein
- 40+ Vitamins, Minerals, Probiotics, & Organic Superfoods
- Less than 1g sugar
- ZERO artificial sweeteners
- Delicious taste!

“Super Fuel is by far the best tasting protein powder I've ever had, and I've tried a lot of them! I have this on auto-ship every month.”
~ Tim K. 51 years

The Delicious Nutrition Shake for Guys 40+

The Delicious Nutrition
Shake for Guys 40+
- Supports weight loss
- Improves Energy
- Helps build muscle
- Perfect meal replacement
Each scoop of SuperFuel gives you:
- 20g protein
- 40+ Vitamins, Minerals, Probiotics, & Organic Superfoods
- Less than 1g sugar
- ZERO artificial sweeteners
- Delicious taste!

“Super Fuel is by far the best tasting protein powder I've ever had, and I've tried a lot of them! I have this on auto-ship every month.”
~ Tim K. 51 years

The Delicious Nutrition Shake for Guys 40+

Programs & Supplements
FF30X is the #1 proven health & sustainable weight loss program for busy guys 40+

- Lose weight and actually keep it off long-term...
- 10X your energy and stamina...
- Get off prescription medications...
- Build age-defying muscle & strength...
- Get more motivated & disciplined...
- Connect with like-minded Fit Fathers.
The Delicious Nutrition
Shake for Guys 40+

- Supports weight loss
- Improves Energy
- Helps build muscle
- Perfect meal replacement
Each scoop of SuperFuel gives you:
- 20g protein
- 40+ Vitamins, Minerals, Probiotics, & Organic Superfoods
- Less than 1g sugar
- ZERO artificial sweeteners
- Delicious taste!

“Super Fuel is by far the best tasting
protein powder I've ever had, and I've
tried a lot of them. I have this on
auto-ship every month.”
~ Tim K. 51 years

Yes! We're serious ☺
Use this contact form to send our FFP Team a message and tell us what's going on with you and your health. After reviewing your message, we will personally write you back with some helpful advice and suggestions. We respond within
24-hours Monday – Friday.
FFP Team a message and tell us what's going on with you and
your health. After reviewing your message, we will personally write you back with some helpful advice and suggestions. We respond within
24-hours Monday – Friday.

Message from the desk of:
Dr. Anthony Balduzzi
Founder, Fit Father Project
Message from the desk of:
Dr. Anthony Balduzzi
Founder, Fit Father Project
Out of the millions of web pages online, my team and I are grateful you found the Fit Father Project website. I believe God works in mysterious ways and that we're presented with certain opportunities at the exact moment we need for our growth. I hope that you finding the Fit Father Project is that powerful turning point for your health and life.
I also believe this wisdom in Proverbs 27:17: “As iron sharpens iron,
so too does one man sharpen another.” Our Fit Father Brotherhood is filled with like-minded men who are committed to living
healthier, longer, and stronger for themselves and their families. If you resonate with our core values and mission… I would be
honored if you walked alongside us. We will sharpen one another.

Founder, The Fit Mother Project