Squats are a great fat-burning exercise too, due to the size and number of the muscle groups you are using. The variations we show in this tutorial can increase that even more, especially when done as part of a HIIT cardio workout.
Take a look at our video tutorial below where I guide you through the exercise and outline the main technique points of how to do a squat.
If you need something to print off and take to the gym as a reminder, the step-by-step exercise technique is further down this page.
How to do a squat – Step-by-step exercise technique
- Step 1: Stand with a shoulder width foot stance, with the kettle-balls at the side of each foot.
- Step 2: Stand with good posture, keeping your shoulders back, head up, core strong and spine in a neutral curve.
- Step 3: Bending from your knees and pushing your hips back, lower yourself down into a squatted position, keeping your weight back on your heels. Pick up the kettle-bells.
- Step 4: Push through your heels to raise back into the start position, holding the kettle-bells, one in each hand.
- Step 5: Breathing in, slowly lower yourself back down into a squat position by pushing your hips back and keeping your weight through your heels.
- Step 6: Breathing out, push back up to the starting point. Repeat for the prescribed number of reps.
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