To show you how to lose weight fast, I’m going to walk you through a simple 9 step weight loss guide that will get you motivated to lose weight fast and help you see some REAL CHANGES with simple action steps that you can take TODAY.
How to Lose Weight Fast For Men Video: Dr. Anthony Balduzzi, Mens's Health Expert | Founder, Fit Father Project
Before we dive into our ‘how to lose weight fast for men' plan, we need to own up to some hard facts.
(A quick table of contents for the impatient)
The 9 steps for men to lose weight fast:
Step 1: Self Analysis
Step 2: Planning
Step 3: Start a Food Journal
Step 4: Adjust Caloric Intake
Step 5: Be More Active
Step 6: Track and Fine-Tune
Step 7: Portion the Macronutrients
Step 8: Set Goals and Create Habits
Step 9: Keep it Up
- First: For most middle-aged guys, you're possibly at a point in your life where you sit at desk jobs for 8+ hours a day, eat junk food at work, and then spend your evening binge-watching TV because you’re stressed out from life.
- Second: Because of that stress, you no longer move enough or eat the healthy, natural food your body is designed to thrive on.
- Third: Many of you are walking along the below evolutionary timeline… and YOU WANT TO MAKE A CHANGE!
I believe that modern day men need to live healthier – not just for your own health and well-being – but for the health and well-being of your family too.
This proven ‘How to lose weight fast for men’ guide will help you.
As a trainer here at The Fit Father Project, it’s my mission to do just that.
Not only to help you lose weight but to get you back on the correct evolutionary timeline so you can become the best Alpha male you can be – at any age.
I’m going to give you 9 key action steps on how to eat, exercise, stay motivated, and track your progress over the next 30-days.
Consider this a “call to arms” to get back on the proper path.
To get you back to eating natural foods. To get you back following active pursuits… and to get you back to being physically functional just like nature intended.
You were born to be Gladiators, Warriors, Hunter-Gatherers, and the leaders of your families & communities.
Let’s get you started with your new “How to Lose Weight Fast For Men” guide and get you back in fighting shape fast.
On the next page, I'll show you exactly what you should do over the next 7 days.
How To Lose Weight Fast For Men – Day #1 – Day #7:
Step 1 – Determine your current body fat level.
Straight out the blocks, I’m going to tell you that the No #1 thing you need to do before you get started on any weight loss or body transformation goal is to determine your current body composition.
Your body composition is essentially your current height, weight, and body fat percentage. It's the starting point on your weight loss journey.
Based on your “body comp”, we can estimate your Basal Metabolic Rate or “BMR” (which is the rate that your body burns calories at rest).
Knowing your current metabolic rate will help us determine how many calories you should be eating to lose weight – the healthy & sustainable way.
Your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) depends on the amount of body fat you have, and in relation to that, how much lean mass you have.
If you don't have a good idea of your body fat, either get your body composition checked with calipers or DEXA scan (measuring tools used by a health care professionals).
If you can't make the time to do that, you can use the general picture guidelines on the right to make a rough estimate.
Your immediate goal: We simply want a rough estimate of your starting body fat.
As a rule of thumb: Most guys who have at least 35+ pounds to lose usually have a body fat percentage of a minimum 25-35+%.
Knowing your Basal Metabolic Rate is important because it enables us to estimate the ideal number of calories you should be eating to lose weight.
On that note, our team put together a convenient Calorie Calculator Tool that will enable you to input your current height, weight, and activity level…
And this spreadsheet will then shows you EXACTLY how many calories you should be eating to lose weight. Cool right?
>> Click here to download our Fit Father Calorie Calculator Spreadsheet <<
Action Step: I want you to use that Free Calorie Calculator we created for you (linked above) to identify your ideal calorie target for weight loss.
I simply want you to have a general calorie target to aim for.
Now that we have your general calorie intake target figured out, it's time to start talking about exercise…
Here’s A Free 24-Min Fat Burn Workout For Busy Men 40+
This powerful workout will reignite your metabolism to burn fat 24/7 like you did in your 20s…
Step 2 – Plan your physical activity for the next 7 days.
To start our exercise conversation, I want to quickly debunk the big misconception that many guys have, that you need to do FORMAL WORKOUTS to see weight loss results.
That's totally false.
Yes, safe & time-efficient workouts, like our Fit Father 24-minute workout, are an important part of losing weight…
YET, here's the bigger key point: any kind of physical activity that helps you burn calories will help you lose weight.
Formal workouts are helpful for weight loss – but far from necessary.
Action Step: For these first 7 days, I want you to commit to 30-minutes of daily activity. Block it into your schedule and get it done daily.
I don’t care if you go for a jog, take the dog for a fast walk, lift some weights, ride the bike, or go around “catching Pokémon” with your kids.
Your daily activity CAN be a formal workout in the gym or on some cardio equipment.
Alternatively, it can be anything from gardening to DIY, bouncing on a pogo stick to getting busy with your significant other (If you can keep that up for 30 minutes, you're already a God in my book).
For this part, it's that simple. JUST MOVE!
Step 3– Start a “Food Diary” for the next 7 days.
I know you may not want to do this, but it's only for 1 week and I promise you, it is worth it!
If you sincerely want to know how to lose weight fast for men, you need to follow these principles.
Taking an honest diary of your current eating habits is an incredibly valuable weight loss exercise.
By writing down your current eating habits for a full week, you will gain A TON of insight into the times when you slip up with your diet and the times you succeed and eat good foods.
As we're setting up your weight loss eating plan, the data we gather from this initial food journaling exercise will be indispensable to your future success.
When starting your diet diary, the big key to this is to eat normally. Don’t try to eat better just because you're writing down your food intake.
The aim of this exercise is to…
- See exactly what your current eating patterns are.
- See where we can make small, high-leverage changes to your eating habits that will have the most weight loss benefit.
Action Step: Get a small food journal and carry it around with you to log everything you are eating for a full week.
If it goes in your mouth (food, drinks, etc.), write it down on paper.
I also want you to write down how you're feeling after each meal throughout the day.
If you feel exhausted after lunch, write that down.
If you feel amazing after eating a certain meal, write that down too.
Here is an example format that you can follow for your food journal:
- Meal (12 pm): Sandwich with turkey, roast beef, mayo, & veggies. Apple on the side. A few bites of chips. Small water.
- How I am feeling: A few hours after lunch, I noticed that my energy has dipped a bit and my brain feels a bit foggy.
Again, the benefit of this seemingly tedious journaling habit is to begin to recognize food patterns.
It could be that where you're eating too many calories, or how certain foods you eat regularly, makes you feel.
As you'll see further on in this “how to lose weight fast for men” guide, simply reducing portion sizes or choosing a better alternative for some common snacks you eat, is enough of a tweak to cause noticeable weight loss progress almost immediately.
If you prefer to use an App to track your meals instead of a physical journal, here are some easy technology options we use to execute this habit with our clients:
- MyFitnessPal – Available on iTunes for iPhone, iPad, and iWatch. Very popular app with the largest food database.
- Weight Loss Diet and Calorie Counter, SparkPeople – Great app supported by an excellent weight loss oriented online community.
- Fitbit Calorie Counter – This app can be used with or without a Fitbit device. It has an excellent database and is very user-friendly.
Step 4 – Evaluate your food diary & activity on Day #7
On the evening of your 7th day, I want you to set aside some time to evaluate everything you've done so far…
- What have you been eating?
- What have you been drinking?
- How consistent have you been with daily activity?
- What patterns have you noticed?
- What consistent challenges have you faced?
These key data points will be the starting point on your road to becoming a new age Alpha, a 21st Century caveman, or a goddamn sexual Tyrannosaurus…. just like me. (Thank you Jesse Ventura!)
The idea of checking out and evaluating these things is so that you can decide what you can do more or less of, and what works well and what doesn’t.
With regards to your exercise…
If you managed 6 days of 20 minutes of daily activity in these first 7 days, you know you can increase the intensity of your workouts by starting a more structured exercise plan like our Fit Father 30X Workout Program.
However, if you only managed 4 of the 6 days of activity, you will need to identify whether it was time or fatigue that stopped you completing the full 6.
- If lack of time was preventing you from daily activity, you need to figure out how to make time on the other 2 days.
- If feeling too fatigued was holding you back, you may need to dial back the intensity a little and try again next week for a full 6 days of daily activity.

For more information on how to lose weight quickly, download our Free 1-Day Weight Loss Meal Plan for Fathers here.
How To Lose Weight Fast For Men – Day #8 – Day #21:
Step 5 – Continue with daily activity, but dial up the intensity.
In Days #1-7, we kickstarted your daily activity habit.
Now, it's time to plan another 7 days of consistent physical activity for the next 14 days.
If you don't schedule your activity and protect the time you're dedicating to moving your body, the busyness of your life tends to eat that time up fast.
You can schedule your activity each evening for the day to come, or in one single block for the whole 14 days. It’s totally up to you!
Action Step: I want you to open up your calendar, and SCHEDULE your next 14 days of activity blocks as if they were meetings.
The only difference with your activity over these next 2 weeks is that you're going to increase the intensity level you're working out at.
The purpose here is to create the habit of taking physical activity, but it's important that it pushes your limits and burns calories. Remember to take 1 rest day in every 7.
For the most effective & time-efficient workout routine you can follow on Days #8-21, click the box below and receive our FREE 24-minute fat shred workout.
Here’s A Free 24-Min Fat Burn Workout For Busy Men 40+
This powerful workout will reignite your metabolism to burn fat 24/7 like you did in your 20s…
Step 6 – Track your weight and fine tune what’s working.
The next 2 weeks are basically your “weight loss test phase” for you to identify what works and build your foundation of healthy habits.
To see what works, I recommend you track your weight daily (or every 3 days).
If the scale is moving in the right direction, keep doing what you’re doing.
If weight loss is stalling a bit…
- Refer to the food diary you took during the first 7 days and see what changes you can make to tighten your calorie intake up a bit.
- Ensure you're getting your daily 30-min activity block and increase the intensity or the type of your workouts.
Step 7 – Understand your ideal macronutrient split.
If you're a beginner at losing weight, the words ‘macronutrient split’ have possibly just scared the bejesus out of you…
Don’t sweat it! This concept is not as complicated as it sounds and I’ll explain this important idea very simply for you.
Macronutrients are a fancy word for the split of calories that should come from Carbohydrates, Proteins and Fats.
My recommendation with our clients that are looking to lose weight is to use the following macronutrient breakdown:
- 40% calories from healthy carbs
- 35% calories from Protein
- 25% calories from good Fat.
For a list of the best protein, carb, and fats, download a free copy of our 1-Day Weight Loss Meal Plan by clicking the box below.
Here’s A Free Weight Loss Meal Plan For Busy Men 40+
Discover exactly what to eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner to lose belly fat & feel energized 24/7 without hard dieting...
- Carbs are needed for energy.
- Protein is needed for sustaining/increasing muscle tissue & keeping you full.
- Fat is needed for maintaining essential functions within your body (brain function, hormone levels, hunger etc.)
So here’s how to put this “macronutrient” stuff to good use…
On the evening of Day 21, I want you to take your recommended calorie intake that you calculated in Step #1 using our Fit Father Calorie Calculator Tool, and use it to determine the ideal way this should be split across the 3 Macronutrients.
You are going to divide your ideal calorie intake across the macronutrient percentages we recommend to give you goal numbers for your protein, carb, and fat intake.
For example: let’s say you're a smaller man with a target weight loss calorie intake of 1500 calories, we can deduce that your macronutrient split would be…
- 594 calories Carbs (40%)
- 525 calories Protein (35%)
- 375 calories Fat (25%).
- Total calories: 1500
To convert these calories of carbs, proteins, & fats into GRAM FIGURES, we’ll use the following definitions:
- Carb calories / 4 = grams of carbs to eat.
- Protein calories / 4 = grams of protein to eat
- Fat calories / 9 = grams of fat to eat.
For our example above (1500 calories), that breaks down to:
- 150g carbs (600 carb calories / 4)
- 130g protein (525 protein calories /4)
- 40g fat (375 fat calories / 9)
With these numbers in mind, we’ll simply divide these “macros” evenly split across 3-5 meals.
- Breakfast (8am) – 38g Protein, 35g Carbs, 10 g Fat
- Lunch (12pm) – 38g Protein, 35g Carbs, 10g Fat
- Afternoon Snack (4pm) –38g Protein, 25g Carbs, 10g Fat
- DInner (7pm) – 38g Protein, 35g Carbs, 10g Fat
The goal is NOT to count these macros down to the gram.
The goal is to have these general portion sizes and calorie intakes for the majority of your meals.
Again, for simple recipes that follow these perfect portion guidelines – without needing to count calories – grab our 1-Day Weight Loss Meal Plan For Men
Here’s A Free Weight Loss Meal Plan For Busy Men 40+
Discover exactly what to eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner to lose belly fat & feel energized 24/7 without hard dieting...
- If you will be exercising in the evening, then it would be beneficial to increase your carb intake at dinner and reduce your carb intake at other meals.
- If you exercise in the morning, do so fasted and have your breakfast meal afterward.
Step 8 – Set goals and create habits.
Once you’ve calculated your macronutrient targets, I would like you to set your FIRST weight loss goal for the next 4 weeks now that you have some momentum.
When it comes to setting weight loss goals, I always suggest being as specific as possible.
For example, if you want to lose weight, you should include how much weight you will lose, the timeframe in which you will lose it, the reason you will lose it and what you will do to lose it.
A good, specific weight loss goal may look something like this:
Once you have your goal in place, you can create daily mini tasks that need to be done regularly to ensure you achieve your goal.
In the example above, your weight loss mini tasks may be:
- Blocking a minimum of 30 minutes of physical activity, at the highest intensity I can manage, 6 days per week
- Preparing my nutrition plan for the day ahead
- Eating according to my calorie target
- Weighing myself daily
- Getting my body composition checked every 4 weeks
- Re-calculate my BMR after each composition check-in and adjust my calories and nutrition plan accordingly
- Be Awesome!
Consistently executing on the daily rituals is how you will ultimately lose weight. If you're learning how to lose weight fast for men, then you'll want to check out the overview letter for our FF30X program.
How To Lose Weight Fast For Men – Day #22 onwards
Step 9 – Go, Go, Go!!
At this point, we've covered the 9 steps in this guide on how to lose weight fast for men.
The important thing now is to take these steps and make them habitual.
Although I have suggested setting a goal with a time frame, this is simply your FIRST GOAL – not necessarily your end goal.
Don’t go on a diet.
Instead, change your nutrition and exercise plan to make healthy living your lifestyle by design.
Take stock at least once a month and change things up to make sure you are eating and training at the right levels.
I did my best to keep these weight loss action steps as “big picture” as possible to give you the overall plan.
If you’re interested in a proven and completely laid out “done-for-you” weight loss meal plan & workout routine – designed for you as a busy man…
Then I’d recommend you read the program overview letter for our Fit Father 30-Day Program (FF30X). Inside FF30X, you'll receive:
— The simple & delicious Fit Father Meal Plan
— The metabolism boosting Fit Father 30X Workout (under 90 min/week)
— VIP email coaching where I'll personally walk you through the program
How To Lose Weight Fast For Men – Action Step Summary
#1 – Get your body fat measured or estimate to the best of your ability.
#2 – Plan your 30-minutes of physical activity for the next 7 days.
#3 – Complete a diet diary of your current eating habits for 7 days.
#4 – Evaluate your findings from the week of eating & daily activity.
#5 – Repeat Step 2, but dial up the intensity of your activity.
#6 – Track your weight and adjust the plan to ensure you are progressing.
#7 – Understand your ideal macronutrient split.
#8 – Set specific goals for your next month.
#9 – Go, Go, Go!!
I hope you enjoyed This How to Lose Weight Fast For Men Guide!
Your weight loss success lies in building momentum through the eating, exercise, and tracking habits we outlined above in this guide.
You don't have to try to lose weight alone.
If you're not subscribed to the weekly Fit Father email list, join 35,000 smart men getting life-changing health info like this every week.
When you join the Fit Father Family, our team will send you your “Welcome Gift Bundle” – including the “1-Day Weight Loss Meal Plan” and a “3-Day Weight Loss Kickstart Training” that goes into exactly what you should eat (meal by meal) to kick your metabolism back into fat burning mode.
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It's our mission with The Fit Father Project to share the highest quality information like this how to lose weight fast for men guide. You can support this mission, by sharing this guide with the special people in your life.
Also, if you have any questions, comments, feedback, funny jokes, feel free to message our Fit Father Project Team below…
Remember: You don't have to lose weight and get healthy alone. You have a band of brothers who now has your back.
Until next time my friend, good luck and enjoy!
Your new friend & health coach,
Stuart Carter, Dip. PT, Precision Nutrition 1
C.O.O., The Fit Father Project
Stuart gained his Diploma in Personal Training & Sports Medicine through Premier Global, back in 2001. In 2018, he completed his Level 1 Precision Nutrition qualification.
Throughout his career in Fitness, Stuart has trained hundreds of clients, worked in almost every position in the industry, and ran his own successful training studio.
After a hiatus away from the Fitness industry, working in Corporate Management and Finance, Stuart returned to what he loves… Fitness! This return led to a chance meeting with Dr. Balduzzi, and a place in the Fit Father Project team.
Join our 6-Week Doctor Designed Health Program. You'll Gain Foundational Health for the Rest of Life.
The FOUNDATIONS Program is created by Dr. Anthony Balduzzi for Men 40+ who want Lifelong Health.
In just 6-Weeks following FOUNDATIONS, you'll experience:
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P.S. If you're a man over 40, you will also really enjoy this article too…
“Weight Loss For Men Over 40 – The Step By Step Guide”
Small note about research cited in this article:
*Always remember: weight loss results & health changes/improvements vary from individual to individual. Just because these studies cite certain data does not mean you will experience these results/outcomes. Always consult with your doctor before making decisions about your health. This is not medical advice – simply well-researched information about how to lose weight fast for men. Thanks for reading!