What is a Superfood?
The term superfood can be both problematic and useful, depending on the context it's used. A great deal of scientific literature claims the word “superfood” is nothing more than a misleading marketing term. But that hasn't stopped the media from pushing the trendy topic.
What gives? Usually the media falls lockstep with scientists, gleefully telling us how wrong we were about the latest fad diet. With superfoods however, it seems the media (especially health related media) are totally content with furthering the trend and ignoring the scientists that oppose it.
The issue largely surrounds the subjective nature of the term. Superfood is a colloquial word that is ambiguously defined.
Typically, the foods that are given the label superfood are nothing more than healthy foods loaded with nutrients. Science and governments are concerned the term will be misused in marketing practices, but the media realizes the foods they’re pushing are genuinely healthy foods.
It is somewhat easy to side with the media’s infatuation of the subject. Superfoods are branded as such because of their incredible health benefits. These benefits include everything from mood enhancement, to lowering cholesterol, or even reducing the risk of heart disease and cancer.
If the goal is to get more people to eat healthier, superfoods can definitely be useful. As with most nutritional subjects, we have to do some research to know for ourselves. That bag of deep fried sweet potatoes does not qualify as a superfood just because the package contains the giant letters “SUPERFOOD!”
What are the Best Superfoods for Men?
Our body needs certain vitamins and nutrients to function correctly. The modern diet has largely ignored these nutrients in exchange for a longer shelf life and improved cost efficiency. Because of this deficiency, it is vitally important that we take our own personal diet into consideration.
The best superfoods for men are not much different than than the best superfoods for women. But there are a few things to consider:
- How much fuel do you need? (Most men need at least 2500 calories)
- How diverse and well rounded is your diet?
- How much protein do you need?
If you live on an almond farm for instance, it may not be beneficial to view almonds as as a superfood. Eating large amounts of almonds day in and day out would increase your waist line in a hurry. But if you’re looking for a great snack to eat on your way to work, a handful of almonds is definitely a super choice.
Best Superfoods for Men
#10 Almonds
546 Calories per cup
393 Calories from fat
20.6 Grams of carbohydrates
11.6 Grams of fiber
20.2 Grams of protein
Almonds make the list because of their snack-ability. Almonds are a well rounded food that can be used as quick supplement, or a complete meal replacement (for road trips and such.) They are dense in calories, fat, carbs, protein, and nutrients. The next time you find yourself searching for a quick salty snack, put down the Combos and grab a small bag of almonds.
Best Superfoods for Men
#9 Kale
33 Calories per cup
3.9 Calories from fat
.5 Grams of fat
6.7 Grams of carbohydrates
1.3 Grams of fiber
2.2 Grams of protein
Kale is not for everyone, but any leafy green works. Kale just happens to have some of the better numbers when it comes to nutritional information. A heaping handful of steamed kale with lemon juice makes a great pallet cleanser for a steak.
Best Superfoods for Men
#8 Venison
(93 Gram patty cooked, ground deer meat)
174 Calories
69 Calories from fat
7.6 Grams of fat
24.6 Grams of protein
As with kale and leafy greens, almost any lean red meat is comparable to venison, but wild game is especially a superfood. Red meats contain a large amount of high value protein, in addition to vitamin B12, niacin, vitamin B6, iron, zinc, and phosphorus. The lean nature of venison makes it a great source for these nutrients.
Best Superfoods for Men
#7 Turkey
(1 cup roasted meat)
210 Calories
33.2 Calories from fat
3.7 Grams of fat
41.4 Grams of protein
Turkey is a great source of Protein, Selenium, Niacin, Vitamin B6, Phosphorus and Zinc. All poultry can be implemented into a healthy diet, so long as it’s not battered and deep fried. Turkey is more lean than than chicken, which makes it the better choice. It also has a better fat profile, lower cholesterol, and more protein than most red meats. Other great poultry meats include ostrich, emu, and duck.
Best Superfoods for Men
#6 Salmon
(1/2 filet, 198g, of raw, wild caught Atlantic salmon)
281 Calories
113 Calories from fat
12.6 Grams of fat
39.3 Grams of protein
Virtually all fish and seafood have an impressive number of nutrients, but salmon takes the cake. Salmon is rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids, it’s a great source of protein, it's high in B Vitamins, and loaded with potassium and selenium. Farmed salmon is considered just as healthy as wild caught, but not every farm adheres to the same standards. It’s important to keep the source in mind when choosing any meat, but water dwelling animals tend to have more problems and may require a deeper amount of research. The best way to avoid any questions – just go fishing. 😉
Best Superfoods for Men
#5 Blueberries
84 Calories per cup
4.1 Calories from fat
.5 Grams of fat
21.4 Grams of carbohydrates
1.1 Grams of protein
Blueberries are one of the most nutritional fruits available. This low calorie superfood is not only delicious, but loaded with antioxidants and nutrients. Antioxidants prohibit and prevent the oxidation of molecules, which limits the amount of free radicals in the body. Free radicals cause all sorts of damage in our body. Blueberries have even more antioxidants than cranberries, raspberries, strawberries, or blackberries, which make it a great choice for desert or a snack.
Best Superfoods for Men
#4 Sweet Potatoes
(One medium 114g, baked in skin with salt)
105 Calories
1.5 Calories from fat
.2 Grams of fat
24.4 Grams of carbohydrates
2.3 Grams of protein
Sweet potatoes are an excellent source of beta-carotene, vitamin C, manganese, copper, vitamin B6. They’re also a good source of potassium, dietary fiber, niacin, vitamin B1, vitamin B2 and phosphorus. Sweet potatoes are a nutritious, filling, and delicious staple food that has its place in everyone’s diet.
Best Superfoods for Men
#3 Dark Chocolate
(101 grams of 70-85% cacao)
605 Calories
388 Calories from fat
43.1 Grams of fat
46.3 Grams of carbohydrates
7.9 Grams of protein
Dark chocolate is an amazing and delicious treat that's full of antioxidants, flavanols, vitamins, and nutrients. According to one study, there may be link between the consumption of dark chocolate and a lower BMI. Studies have also found that dark chocolate may improve eye health and cognitive abilities. As if we needed an excuse to eat dark chocolate.
Best Superfoods for Men
#2 Avocados
(1 cup, 150g)
240 Calories
184 Calories from fat
22 Grams of fat
12.8 Grams of Carbohydrates
3 Grams of protein
Avocados are an incredibly nutritious food. They are loaded with healthy monounsaturated fat (oleic acid), which is an ideal fuel source for the human body. They also have tons of vitamins and nutrients. They have a moderate amount of protein, more potassium than bananas, and 1/3 of the recommended amount of daily fiber intake. If you’re not eating avocados, you’re seriously missing out.
Best Superfoods for Men
#1 Eggs
(1 large hard boiled)
211 Calories
130 Calories from fat
14.4 Grams of fat
1.5 Grams of carbohydrates
17.1 Grams of protein
The chicken egg has been a part of our diet since the dawn of civilization, and there is a fantastic reason for it. Eggs are like manna from heaven. They contain a diverse range of vitamins and nutrients. They’re one of the best possible sources of low calorie, high quality proteins available. Eggs raise our body's good cholesterol levels, and contain important rare micronutrients like choline. Eggs really are one of the best superfoods a man can eat.
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Summarizing Superfoods
We can largely ignore the warnings from experts that claim the term superfoods as malicious marketing. It’s obvious that some foods are just healthier than others. With that said, it’s important to remember that every category of food has it’s own superfood. Just because dark chocolate and almonds are on this list, does not mean you should replace baby carrots with chocolate covered almonds.
The foods listed here were chosen based on a number of factors, but mostly from a random, western diet viewpoint. It’s still important to be skeptical of any processed food claiming to be a superfood, but superfoods definitely do exist. Exactly pinpointing the criteria may be difficult, but the foods listed here are some of the best foods available on the planet.
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