We're here to help you compare and contrast the most popular workout plans for men so that you can find something that will fit your lifestyle and fitness preferences.
Once you choose which of the workout plans for men is best for you, you will be able to get into a true rhythm.
Remember that while consistency is key, it's also important to vary your exercises to keep yourself challenged and engaged.
Read on to find your new favorite workout plan so you can hit the gym prepared and excited!
Workout Plans for Men: Tips for Men Over 40
I'll come out and say it: none of us are spring chickens anymore.
When you're a man over 40, working out needs to be more strategic and safe than before to prevent injury and to fit into our busy lives.
In general, it's important for men over 40 to perform full body workouts instead of split workouts.
For example, you'll often see younger 20-something men performing ONLY leg workouts or ONLY arm workouts in one gym session.
While this can look impressive (due to the amount of flexing they're probably doing), split workouts are not recommended for men over 40.
For one thing, you are far busier than you were in your 20s. It's imperative that you exercise your full body when you're able to go to the gym.
Additionally, bodies fatigue and become injured more easily when we're over 40. By varying our exercises and not focusing on just one exercise, you can prevent overuse injuries and keep working your muscles in new ways.
With that, we are going to take you through the most popular workout plans for men and how to make them work for your lifestyle.
Workout Plans for Men: HIIT
You might be wondering what “HIIT” is. HIIT or High-Intensity Interval Training is a fat-burning cardio workout that alternates between bursts of efforts and then recovery periods.
For the cardio lovers who want to take it up a notch, this is the one for you!
HIIT allows you to experience bursts of high-energy, sprint-like activity while varying the exercises you do and allowing your muscles to recover between sets.
The other great thing about HIIT is that you can do it with or without a gym and with as little as 20 minutes on your hands.
For a longer or shorter HIIT workout, all you need to do is tack on additional intervals.
Try this HIIT workout to get you started!
- Warm up lightly for 5 minutes.
- Complete 30 seconds of high-intensity exercise as quickly and forcefully as you can. Try jump squats, burpees, kettlebell swings, sprints, fast swimming, etc.
- After your first high-intensity interval, immediately recover with 30 seconds of lower intensity exercise. If you're bursting with squats/burpees, you can do some jumping jacks or simply jog in place. If you're biking, swimming, or running simply scale back the pace.
- Repeat the 30-second high-intensity, 30-seconds recovery interval structure 10-20 times.
- Finish with a 5 minute cool-down.
Workout Plans for Men: Body Weight Exercises
One of the manliest ways to get fit is by using good old fashioned body weight. In a gym, in your garage, in your backyard– anywhere works when all the tools you need are built in.
Body weight workouts are effective because they always involve working your entire body. Form is incredibly important to ensure you don't injure yourself and so you get the optimal results.
Here are some basic but effective exercises for a bodyweight exercise method.
- Legs: Squats/lunges (30 seconds)
- Calves: Calf raises (30 seconds)
- Chest: Push-ups (30 seconds)
- Back: Pull-ups (30 seconds)
- Shoulders: handstand holds (10 seconds)
- Triceps: Bench dips (30 seconds)
- Biceps: Narrow grip, under hand pull-up (20 seconds)
- Abs: Planks (30 seconds)
Once you complete the circuit, repeat it about three times.
Workout Plans for Men: Weight Training
Many men think that weight training over 40 isn't a possibility, because the gym is filled with younger men doing weight training.
But that is not true! Weight training could be your choice out of the workout plans for men if you are focused on building muscle and can commit to perfecting your form.
Exercises that will strengthen you to your core and help you build healthy, strong muscles are squats, bench presses, deadlifts, and shoulder presses.
Try the following weights circuit and repeat about three times. Rest only at the end of the circuit.
- Squats: one set of 10 – 15
- Deadlifts: one set of 10 – 15
- Bench Press: one set of 10 – 15
- Overhead Press: one set of 10 – 15
- Bicep Curl: one set of 10 – 15
- Tricep Curl: one set of 10 – 15
- Bent over row: one set of 10 – 15
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The secret to building age-defying muscle in your in 40s, 50s, & 60s is to modify the best muscle building exercises (bench, squats, rows) to make them safe on your joints…
Finding What Works for You
Not sure where to go from here? Generally, the “beginning” is the best place to start. 🙂
But really, all of the workout plans for men that we reviewed would be wonderful additions to your life. They will get you moving and listening to your body.
No matter what you do, you need to use your body.
As we like to say, you can either use it or lose it. And while that can sound harsh, it's true.
We only have the body we were given, so it's imperative that we take care of it.
While you are thinking over which workout plan is best for you, consider looking into our FF30X program.
FF30X was designed specifically for men over 40 who are looking to shed 10 or more pounds. Not only does FF30X provide workouts, but it provides what you should be eating at morning, noon and night.
FF30X can kickstart your love for fitness.
So what are you waiting for? Dig out your running shoes and get started on a workout plan.
Here’s A Free 24-Min Fat Burn Workout For Busy Men 40+
This powerful workout will reignite your metabolism to burn fat 24/7 like you did in your 20s…
Your friend in health,

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi, NMD
Men's Health Doctor & Founder
Fit Father Project & Fit Mother Project
Founder, Fit Father Project & Fit Mother Project
After watching his own Dad lose his health and pass away at the young age of 42, Dr. Balduzzi founded The Fit Father Project and Fit Mother Project to help busy dads and moms get and stay healthy for their families.
Dr. Anthony Balduzzi holds dual degrees in Psychology & Nutrition from the University of Pennsylvania, a Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine, and is also a former national champion bodybuilder. He’s is most proud of the fact that he’s helped over 40,000 families in over 100 countries lose weight and get healthy for life.
Join our 6-Week Doctor Designed Health Program. You'll Gain Foundational Health for the Rest of Life.
The FOUNDATIONS Program is created by Dr. Anthony Balduzzi for Men 40+ who want Lifelong Health.
In just 6-Weeks following FOUNDATIONS, you'll experience:
- Rapid decrease in body fat
- Dramatically improved energy levels
- Greater mental sharpness & clarity
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FOUNDATIONS has transformed 60,000 lives! Are you ready to experience true lasting health & results?
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- We'll show you the EASIEST way to eat healthy for life.
- You get Doctor-Designed Workouts for Men 40+
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